Friday, June 5, 2009

How to successfully lunge your horse

“Point… Ask… Tell”
How to lunge a horse, the very first important thing you must know is where your horse’s driveline is.

What is the driveline?
The driveline is the area from the top of the withers down to the shoulder & between the girth area of your horse. (You can use string or rope loosely tied around your horse’s neck to find it.

Why is the driveline so important?
It helps you to understand several things… Helps you understand whether you’re moving the front part of you horse or the rear part of you horse. I like to think of it like a car I can either engage front wheel drive or rear wheel drive. This also helps you determine which parts to move & how they move when wanting to accomplish certain exercises with your horse.

Tools: You need handy stick & a rope halter with about a 20ft rope. I recommend a rope halter because with a standard nylon halter horses tend to lean or pull on your hand & you basically have less control to correct them. With rope halters they have knots on them that are specifically placed to apply pressure to the pressure points on your horses face when they pull on your hand. You also have the ability to apply direct pressure by what I call “bumping the face”.

1. Start out about 6ft between you and your horse you should be at a distance where you can extend your arm and touch your horse’s neck with the stick.

2. Lets say you’re going to send your horse off the left with the rope in your left hand and stick in your right. The first thing you are going to do is get your horse’s attention
(eyes & ears on you) and then “POINT” to the direction you want you horse to go.

3 Next you’re going to “ASK” your horse to move off with your stick.
Now hold your stick up aimed at your horse’s neck. You’re going to move the front of the driveline (front wheel drive). Lightly & gently tap your horse on the neck 1 2 3 4.
If you horse is not responsive then apply a little more pressure Point and tap again
1 2 3 4.

4. Once your horse has moved off in the direction you have asked, you can now
“TELL” your horse to continue moving forward by engaging to rear of the driveline
(rear wheel drive) by tapping the air towards the hind quarters (horses butt) lol.
I see many people try to lunge their horses by engaging the hind end first which only causes your horse to move his hindquarters over and step towards you instead of away from you in the direction you want him to go.

For more detailed info:

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